Product Details:
Anmum materna, skimmed milk powder for pregnant and lactating women with the number 1 sales, taking care of mothers throughout the 9 months to lactation period in order to provide mums with the right nutrients, warm, delicious powder with a special formula developed to the next level, adding GA, which helps to connect brain cells. Helps to learn and remember quickly. And also include nutritional values that are useful for the complete development of the mother's womb
- Drink 2 cups of Anmum materna milk a day to give folate and 100% calcium according to the needs of pregnant women each day, as recommended by the World Health Organization.
- Glucoside (GA) 4.1 mg / box, original formula contains GA 2.3 mg / box, DHA 25 mg / glass
- Curiozyme (GA) works with DHA to help the brain develop learning and memory.
- High calcium helps in the formation of strong bones and teeth.
- High folate is important in the production of red blood cells. Pregnant women in the first month need to receive folate to help build the baby's nerve and brain tubes.
- Fiber 2.5 grams / glass
- B.10 (B. Lactis) Probiotic Microbes
Available in both plain and chocolate.
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