Product Details:
ALL-NATURAL BENEFICIAL INGREDIENTS-Very popular and helpful massage balm is made of natural herbs.
Relieves pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with a degenerative disorder of the joints (Osteoarthritis), periarticular rheumatic disorder, sports and accidental injuries. The liquid form is better absorbed, penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. The extracts included in the composition contribute to the beneficial effects on the microcirculation of the skin.
This natural healing ointment is enriched with a soothing herbal salve. For sore muscles, muscular aches & pains, cramps, bruises, strains, and sprains. Relief for insect bites, venomous stings, stings, Itchy and respiratory irritations. Used for curing Herpes Zoster, shingles, and nerve pain. It is inhaled for dizziness, allergies, nausea, seasickness, and airsickness.
THE GREEN OIL (COOL) - For antipruritic from the insect bite, itchiness, and massage.
Green Wang Prom cooling oil can be used in the treatment of various skin diseases, as well as in fungal infections. Compresses with balsam Wang Prom can be used in the treatment of physical injuries. In addition, Wang Prom oil strengthens the nervous system, removes psychological and physical stress. The main flavor of the composition was the smell of mint, so it's very lovely to breathe.
THE YELLOW OIL (COOL) - To relieve muscular aches and sprains.
Yellow Wang Prom cooling oil is used in the treatment of various diseases (radiculitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis). The main action of Wang Prom oil is to improve blood circulation in the vessels, renew the cartilaginous tissue, eliminate muscle damage and treat joints. The oil balm Wang Prom also removes swelling and removes pain in any part of the body: in the joints, muscles, or headaches.
Zingiber Cassumunar 55% | Sesame Oil 20% | Menthol 15% | Pogostemon Caslin 6% | Camphor 4%
Use for massage. EXTERNAL USE ONLY
Attention! Avoid contact with the eyes and other mucous membranes of the body.
Do not apply to affected areas of the skin, cuts, open wounds.
Thai Traditional herb used for many years.
Content: 3 Packs (20cc per pack)
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